Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Christa Reicher
Chair and Institute of Urban Design | Faculty of Architecture | RWTH Aachen University
- Urban transformation
- European urban policies & territorial governing structures
- Integrated projects
Main Fields of Research and Education
- Qualification strategies in urban development
- Urban development planning
- Urban renewal and district development
- Urban and landscape design
- Housing and housing construction
Academic Career
since 2018: Professorship for „Chair of Urban Design and Institute for Urban Design and European Urbanism“ at the RWTH Aachen University, Faculty of Architecture
since 2014: Spokeswoman of the Progress College „Energy Efficiency in the Neighbourhood“
2002 – 2018: Professorship for „Urban Development + Urban Land Use Planning“ at the Technical University of Dortmund, Faculty of Spatial Planning
1998 – 2002: Professorship for „Design + Urban Development“ at the Bochum University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Architecture
1996 – 1998: Various lectureships for urban renewal and urban design at the RWTH Aachen, FH Frankfurt, FH Trier
1993: Foundation of a planning office with Dipl.-Ing. Haase in Aachen
rha reicher haase architects + urban planners
1990 – 1996: Research Assistant at the Chair of Urban and Regional Planning, Prof. G. Curdes, RWTH Aachen
since 1987: Collaboration in various planning offices
1979 – 1987: Studies of Architecture at the RWTH Aachen and ETH Zurich
born 1960: in Neuerburg/County of Bitburg-Prüm
- Member of the Board of Directors of EUROPAN Deutschland
- Member of the Board of the BDA (Association of German Architects), Aachen district group
- Member of the Academy for Urban and Regional Planning DASL
- Member of the German Association for Housing, Urban Development and Regional Planning
- Member of the Chamber of Architects NRW
- Member of the OAI Ordres des architectes et des ingenieurs-conseils, Luxembourg
- Founding member of AULa, Aménageurs et Urbanistes du Luxembourg
Advisory Board
- Member of the Board of Trustees for National Urban Development Policy of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Construction and Reactor Safety (since 2016)
- Member of the „New Urban Agenda“ Advisory Board of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Construction and Reactor Safety (2015-2016)
- Chairwoman of the Advisory Board for the Development of the Urban Lakeside City of ASPERN in Vienna (since 2015)
- Chairperson of the Scientific Advisory Board of the BBSR (2010-2015)
- Member of various design advisory boards, including the City of Dortmund and Baukollegium Zürich
- Member of the advisory board for urban redevelopment in Gelsenkirchen