Prof. em. Dr.-Ing. Andrea Haase
Institute of Urban Design | Faculty of Architecture | RWTH Aachen University
- Urban transformation
- Research methods
- Thesis supervision
Main Fields of Research and Education
- Landscape-/ Infrastructure Urbanism/ Creating a Location
- Space – Common and sacred ground/ Architectural and cultural heritage
- City as nature/ Nature-based economies
Academic Career
2018 – to date: Teaching “Urban Transformation” and “Research Methods”, Master Course “Architectural and Cultural Heritage”, Hochschule Anhalt,
Dessau, Department of Architecture, Facility Management and Geoinformation
2000 – 2018: Professorship for „Urban Development and Urban Design“, Hochschule Anhalt, Dessau, Department of Architecture, Facility
Management and Geoinformation
2000 – 2017: Consultant for Assessing Research Funding: TRAFO/ NRW, Köln; SNCF, Swiss National Science Foundation, Bern; FORMAS,
Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning, Stockholm; FEMTECH, Österr. ForschungsFörderungsgesellschaft mbH, Wien; UEDIFISCDI, Rumänisches Ministerium für Bildung und Forschung, Bukarest
2006: Foundation of “WERTESTRUKTUREN – Office for Crossdisciplinary Working” in Dessau, 2010 – 2020 cooperating in Munich with the Offices
of Rainer Schmidt, Landscape Architects and Urban Planners (RSLA) GmbH, Munich/ Berlin
2001 – 2003: Project Management, Research and Publication “Urban structure conditions and perspectives in Saxony Anhalt – Dessau – Halle –
Magdeburg”, funded by BMBF, Berlin
2000 – 2002: Post-graduate Studies “UK Planning Law and Practice”, Leeds University, UK
1998 – 2000: Self-Employment and Publications in Scotland, Edinburgh, UK
1993 – 1998: Graduation as Dr. Ing, Faculty of Architecture; Supervision: Prof. Gerhard Curdes/ Prof. Dr. Gerhard Fehl
1985 – 1997: Research Assistance for Teaching/ Research/ Planning Practice at the Chair of Urban Design and State Planning, Prof. G. Curdes,
Faculty of Architecture, RWTH Aachen; Coordination of the multi-disciplinary/ international Research Project URBINNO – Urban Innovation and the
Role of Social and Technological Change (VW-Foundation/ DFG, Bonn)
1984 – 1985: Employment, “Büro für Kommunal und Regionalplanung” (BKR), Prof. Dietmar Castro/ Prof. Ajo Hinzen, Aachen
1982–1984: Civil Service Training, City of Cologne/ Regional Government in Cologne; Graduation
as Governmental Building Assessor “Urban Development”
1981– 1982: Employment, National Referent for Housing Consultancy, Customer Advice, Bonn, Chair: Michael Andritzky, Deutscher Werkbund,
1977– 1981: Diploma in Urban Development, Faculty of Architecture, RWTH Aachen
1972– 1977: Studies of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, RWTH Aachen; DAAD Scholarship for “Urban Renewal”, University of Manchester, UK
1972: Internship, Offices of Prof. Gottfried Böhm, Cologne
- Deutscher Werkbund, Bavaria
- Bavarian Chamber of Architects; Architect/ Urban Planner, ByAK
- British Chamber of Architects, ARB, UK
- Royal Town Planning Institute, RTPI, UK
- German Association of Garden Arts and Landscape Culture, DGGL
- German Academy for Urban Design and State Planning, DASL