Organizer: Politecnico di Milano


The ENHANCE Summer School “SYNERGIC URBAN SYSTEMS” took place at the Politecnico di Milano from 22 to 27 July. Over 30 students from seven universities worked intensively for a week in midsummer temperatures on a masterplan for the Santa Giulia area in the south-east of the northern Italian metropolis. In addition to the information from the previous analysis, the students were also able to draw on the expertise of numerous local stakeholders to complete the challenging task. In just one week, seven ambitious concepts were created for the further development of the area around the Olympic ice hockey arena currently under construction.


Thanks to our colleagues in Milan for the great organisation and hospitality!


Participating universities: RWTH Aachen, TU Berlin, Politecnico di Milano, NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim), Polytechnic University of Valencia, Warsaw University of Technology, ETH Zürich.


Pictures: Martina Schretzenmayr