DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES FOR BLUE TOURISM | Facing Sustainability Challenges of the Ribamontán al Mar Tourism Revitalisation
Master’s thesis by Lea Schwab
Supervised by:
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Christa Reicher, Chair of Urban Design and Institute for Urban Design and European Urbanism
Profesor Ayudante Doctor Juan Jose Gonzalez Trueba, Departamento de Geografía, Urbanismo y Ordenación del Territorio Universidad de Cantabria
Andreas Klozoris, Chair of Urban Design and Institute for Urban Design and European Urbanism
RWTH Aachen University
Thesis Abstract
This work addresses the sustainability challenges emerging next to the spatial development of the municipality Ribamontán al Mar in Cantabria (Spain) with a special focus on the commune’s main
economic driver, blue tourism. It elaborates an understanding of tourism in coastal areas in connection to sustainable development. In this sense, the work aims at finding science-informed policy responses and planning solutions for Ribamontán al Mar. On the base of an integrated analysis, economic, environmental, and social parameters are assessed to prepare an integrated concept for Ribamontán al Mar. Guiding principles, connecting strategies and incentives are worked out to develop the municipality
towards a more sustainable future evolution