Elective course: Environment and Development International Seminar
Would you like to participate in an international and interdisciplinary experience? A new elective course is available! This course is a seminar organized to promote exchanges between students from different universities and courses in the Global North and South. The logic of the seminar is to develop an educational exchange value between a group of students who will work online in international and multidisciplinary teams on common research topics chosen by the teams themselves. Students from the following universities will join this seminar: RWTH Aachen University, Germany; Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain; Sokoine University Morogoro, Tanzania and the Federal University of Rondonópolis, Brazil. It is designed to discuss issues of the Global South in the field of environment and development in collaboration with ecologists, landscape and urbanist planners and environment experts.
The seminar activities take place over 3 months, from October to December 2023.
How to apply: please write to Prof. Dr. Verônica Garcia Donoso <garciadonoso@staedtebau.rwth-aachen.de> with a letter of intent (max. 2 pages) and your CV until the 01 October.
Aplication deadline: 01 October
Maximum participants: 4
Format: Elective couse
Credits: 3 ECTS