Dr. ir. Ceren Sezer | Research Group Lead / RWTH JPI Fellow
Chair and Institute of Urban Design | Faculty of Architecture | RWTH Aachen University
- Urban transformation
- European urban policies & territorial governing structures
- Integrated projects
Main fields of research and education
- European M.Sc. in Transforming City Regions, Coordinator of the module: Integrated Project – II: Istanbul Studio
- Urban design and planning, Regional design
- Liveability and sustainability of public spaces
- Urban regeneration and renewal processes
- Spatial practices of immigrant communities
- Environment – behaviour studies
- Thematic group coordinator – Public Spaces and Urban Cultures – the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP)
- Research Group Lead / RWTH JPI Fellow
since 11/2019: Research Associate, Chair and Institute for Urban Design and European Urbanism, RWTH Aachen University
2019 July: Track chair – Tourism, Public Spaces and Urban Cultures / AESOP Annual Congress, Venice (Host: Università Iuav di Venezia).
2014 May – August: Adviser, IABR, International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam.
2010 – 2011: Adviser, Debates on Tour Program in Istanbul, Netherlands Architectuur Instituut, NAI Rotterdam.
since 08/2010: Guest researcher and lecturer, Department of Urbanism, Delft University Technology
since 2010: Founder, urban designer and planner Urban4- research and design office Amsterdam-Istanbul. (Design and advisory projects for public and private sector in Turkey and in the Netherlands).
since 2010: Co-organizer, advisor, scientific committee member of the academic workshops, and conferences of the AESOP Thematic Group in Helsinki, Vienna, Ankara, Bucharest, Istanbul, Utrecht, Glasgow, Ljubljana, Lisbon, Beirut, Nicosia and Amsterdam
2010: Co-organizer, Capacity Building Program, “Sustainable Urbanism in the Netherlands” Chinese Delegate from Beijing Municipality, China
since 2010: Co-founder and coordination team member of the AESOP Thematic group Public Spaces and Urban Cultures
2008 – 2010: Chair, AESOP Young Academics Network
2004 – 2010: Research Associate, Department of Urbanism, Delft University of Technology
2002 – 2004: Turkish Petrol Organization scholarship: Master in Urbanism, Delft University of Technology
1998 – 2002: Project Manager, Department of Architecture and Real Estate, ING Bank Headquarters, Istanbul, Turkey
1992 – 1997: Studied architecture at Istanbul Technical University
- Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP)
- TU Delft Alumni
- Branchevereniging Nederlandse Architectenbureaus (BNA)
- Turkish Chamber of Architects (TMMOB)
Dissertation title
Visibility, democratic public space and socially inclusive cities.